
  In-Home Family Lifestyle Sessions

The older I get, the more I realize how truly special the everyday moments with the ones we love are. In-home family sessions document this season of life with your family so that you can look back on these memories and remember the little details of your days that you loved. Not only will you cherish these photos one day, but your children will look back on them and fondly recall bits of their childhood they may have once forgotten. Their favorite stuffed animal, book or game, their childhood bedroom, their beloved pet, the way mom and dad tickled them and held them close.

What do you want to remember from this season of life? These sessions give you an opportunity to document what is most precious to you now.

To get an idea of what this session could look like for your family, check out a past blog and photos below:

What to know before booking an In-Home Family Lifestyle session:

  • Sessions typically last 1-2 hours and are typically scheduled on the weekend. However, I can do my best to accommodate your family’s schedule if these days don’t work for you.

  • My style of shooting is lifestyle, meaning “unposed” and natural; My goal is to always get a nice “family photo” for you, as well as sweet portrait shots of your children, but for the majority of the session you will be interacting and having fun with your family as I capture those details.

  • Think about what your family enjoys doing during this season. Maybe that’s making Saturday morning pancakes together or baking cookies, reading books, playing games, making crafts, jumping on the trampoline, water balloons, playing in the creek, fishing, or anything else your family enjoys doing outside. I am along for the ride and open to whatever ideas you have. We will discuss your ideas before the session and come up with a plan for when I get to your house.

  • I suggest that you wear something you feel comfortable in for these sessions. Nothing too fancy! Want to put your daughter in her favorite princess dress that she never wants to take off? That’s great! Does your son want to wear his superhero costume in some of the photos? I say let him! :)

  • You will receive your digital images back within two weeks of the shoot. While I don’t have Facebook to post sneak peeks, I can post on my IG page and/or send you a few via text while I’m working on them.

All sessions are $400 and include:

  • all digital images with full rights

  • 10% off prints purchased from your gallery

  • guidance to help you plan and prepare for the session

  • a wide variety of images, from whole family, individual shots, siblings, parents with kids, details, and more