Welcoming Baby Vance | Southern Indiana Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Meet Vance.  You all, he's perfection! I enjoyed every second with this lovely family... Chatting about parenthood and watching parents love on their little one always makes my heart so happy.  There are a several things that are always certain with a new baby... Sleep deprivation, doubts and worries that you aren't doing anything right, crazy emotions and a love so deep and fierce it's scary.  You really start to realize how fast time goes, and how quickly they grow, and that is why these sessions are so important to me... The beginning of this new season of life for your family has it's fair share of ups and downs, but looking back you'll do anything to remember how tiny that sweet babe was, how precious their little details were and how perfectly they fit in your arms.  Documenting these memories is a gift to your future self and that little baby sleeping on your chest.  These moments are important, even if they don't always feel so glamorous when you're living in the middle of them.  But they are, trust me. <3 

Congratulations, Michelle and Derek! Thank you for inviting me into your home and letting me spend a few hours with you and your perfect little guy.  He's a lucky boy to have you two as his amazing parents! 

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