The Birth Story of Paisley Mae | Southern Indiana Birth Photography

One thing I've always loved about birth photography is that it is always different. Each mother's story is special and unique.. Something only her, her family and little one get to experience together. 

Birth stories and plans that go unexpectedly come hand in hand, so it shouldn't have been a surprise when I learned that this mama progressed MUCH quicker than planned. As you'll notice, I made it to the hospital just moments after sweet Paisley Mae was born. While I was so sad that I missed her grand entrance, I'm happy I was able to capture the moments that followed for this family. Documenting these precious moments for families is something I'll never take lightly, and I'm humbled every time I get to witness the start of a new life. It's always a reminder to me of how special this life we get to live is, and not to take it for granted.

Kayla and Corey, congratulations on your precious girl. She's perfection!

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