Welcoming Elin Jolee Fleming | Southern Indiana Newborn Lifestyle Session

I recently met pretty little Elin Jolee and her lovely family.  I'm telling ya, I could have stayed and photographed them all day (although I'm sure they would have kicked me out after too long).  Newborn lifestyle sessions feed my soul.. There's just something about getting a glimpse of this new special season of life for families and the new love they share that reminds me that the most important things in life are the small moments we experience with those we hold close.  It's also a plus that I get to connect with other mommas and talk about "mom" stuff, and snuggling precious babies like Elin sure isn't awful either!  :)

Fleming family, thank you so much for inviting me into your home to capture a small glimpse of this new stage of life for you.  Your family and the life you're building is beautiful! <3 

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