Griffin Turns One! | Southern Indiana Milestone and Family Lifestyle Session

Our little family will be moving in less than two weeks, and I've been frantically taking as many photos as possible so that we can remember every detail of our little home that has been so good to us over the past several years.  It makes me a bit sad that our little boy won't remember the details of his first home.. The safe place we brought him home to, the space in which we learned how to be parents (and still learning), and where so many sweet memories were created.  So more than anything, I want to preserve as much as I can so that he can look back at the photos and see what life looked like for us, for him, in the beginning.  

That's what I absolutely love about lifestyle sessions that take place where families are most comfortable - their home.  From my perspective, I'm not only able to photograph the love, connection and sweet moments shared by a family, but I get to capture the place in which all their most treasured memories happen.  Above everything, these sessions are a gift to your children.  You are giving them the gift of preserving their childhood memories by documenting them where they explore, dream, play and feel safe and loved.  How do you feel when you look back on photos of yourself from childhood, in your childhood home?  It's just so special, isn't it? These photos are more for years down the road, when you can look back and recall special family memories, rather than right now (although it's special to have photos to capture the NOW, as well).  It's just a win-win, no matter how you look at it!  :) 

Saturdays are best spent at home, enjoying the company of your little family, laughing and embracing the chaos.  For this family, a slow Saturday may include some games of "Matches" and definitely some basketball!  I had the honor of spending some time with the Glotzbach family as they celebrated Griffin turning one and simply just enjoying each others company.  When Sloane and Griffin look back on these photos one day my hope is that childhood memories flood their mind.  They may not remember specific moments, but their little hearts will remember this safe place they called home, the fun and laughter that occupied its rooms and the deep feelings of love that filled its spaces.  

Ali and Justin, thank you for inviting me into your home and entrusting me to capture a few of your family's sweet memories.  Your family and the life you share is just beautiful.  <3 

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