Welcoming Baby Nolan | Fresh 48 Session

"The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spent smiling with someone that matters to you."

These are the simple moments, I believe, that a family will look back on with warm hearts and smiles as they remember how precious of a time it was.  The time when their life completely changed, and for the better.  A season that, while living it, was at times challenging, exhausting, and just plain hard, but later in life you realize it was some of the best times of your life. 

The moments spent in the first couple days after your sweet baby is born are so fleeting.  It can be hard to remember just how small they looked in your arms or the way their tiny fingers curled around yours.  These memories are important, not only for you to look back on and savor, but for your child so they can have tangible artifacts of their own story that they can pass on to their own children. 

When sweet baby Nolan looks at these photos one day, I hope he can see the tremendous amount of love his parents have for him, and the amazement on their faces as they stare at how perfect he is.  I hope he sees how very happy his parents were to have him in their arms.  All because of you, little boy... You've made life new and brighter and it will never be the same.  And to think, your earliest and most precious memories as a family started right here, in this little hospital room.  These are treasured memories, and I'm honored every time I have the opportunity to document them for amazing families like this.  

Welcome to the world, sweet Nolan, and congratulations to the King family! I feel lucky to have met you and witness the love of your beautiful family. <3

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