Why should you choose a Fresh 48 Session? | Louisville Fresh 48 and Birth Photography

It's true, pictures are worth a thousand words but even so much more than that. I feel like I can breathe him in all over again, remember those little newborn sounds....I can't believe he could even sound different. I'm incredibly grateful for you and your gift of capturing the real life. not just the smiles.  Priceless. that is the best word. the pictures, the memories, the moments that come rushing back when you look at them.   
-Sheena Boggs

Fresh 48 - These sessions are my passion.  My son was born in January 2016, and I can still vividly remember the details from those first few days... His tiny, curled up toes, the way his little finger wrapped around mine, the little squeaks and noises he made and the smell of his brand new baby self.  I will cherish those memories forever.  As time goes on it can be difficult to remember those little details.  That's when I pull out my photos and relive the memories all over again.  Looking at my son now, an almost two year old, it brings tears to my eyes to see how much he has grown and changed since those beginning days.  I'm grateful for today, for the little boy he is becoming, but I can't help but think - "if only time could slow down, just a little bit."  That's what Fresh 48 sessions are all about.  Capturing some of your very sweetest, most special memories so you can relive them over and over, for the years to come.  

Sheena, one of the kindest, strongest, most beautiful mommas that I've had the honor of working with said it best - Pictures are worth a thousand words, but they are so much more than that.  They are a bridge to the past and to your most cherished memories.  They bring back the sights, sounds and smells of one of the most special times of your life.  One day you will get to pull out these pictures and put them in front of your child and say, "This is the beginning of your story.  Do you see how much we adored you, already?  Do you see how much light and love you brought into our lives?"  

Your family's story is special, unique, and worth capturing.  Whether you document it with your iPhone, point and shoot camera or have a professional photographer do it for you, make sure you do it.  I promise, you'll never regret it!  

And now, meet River and her sweet parents.  The love that filled the room between these three while I was there taking photos brought tears to my eyes... What an honor it was to be able to capture a bit of it.  This precious girl is almost three months old now, and I can't imagine how much joy she has brought into her family's life!